I love you so much. The only thing I would change about you is the fact that you can't talk and you poo in the most awkward places. 



Yessir we made it! The billions of us who survived the end of the world are lucky enough to be replacing a 2 with a 3 and carrying on with our lives as normal because nothing has changed, except for some of us there were a few more bucks added to our payslips. Hooray!

I had a week of holiday, but it didn't really feel like a holiday because I didn't have a single second on my own. I was always with people or family or doing stuff or shopping. To me, a holiday is waking up at 11am, sitting on your arse in pijamas watching series until 5pm, having a shower, getting back into pijamas,  making some food and getting back on that arse until 2am. Buuuuuuuuuuuut I have booked a lovely, long holiday in April in the Drakensberg (best place in the world) and I am looking forward to that, although when in the Drakensberg the arse is definitely sacrificed and other things are focused on such as finding goggo's under the path-lights and running up hills and riding horses and canoeing and swimming in lakes and climbing mountains and exploring valley's and having lots of morning romping with the bf (yes that's back on).

Being back at work in the new year is something I can compare to having to repaint your nails after botching the first round. It's tedious and seems like a complete waste of time. But, we have to pay the bills. 

I'm looking forward to a lot of things this year. My aforementioned holiday, getting a promotion, getting paid more, moving out into an apartment with a garden, and gardening, my Mom opening up her own nursery (plants, not kids), and hopefully going to Malta with my friends. All of these things are going to require a huge amount of work which I am willing to do. 

But I'll start next week. Obviously. :)

Here are some embarrassing photos from our NYE party:

...OH, and one more thing - It is a fact that I have the best friends EVER. 

The end. 


As unhealthy and fattening as the food in this picture is, it looks SO good, I would love to get my mouth around each of those items. I would taste each one separately and then taste them all together. But the sad and lifesaving fact is, that I would feel sick and utterly disgusted in myself afterwards. 

Times are tough, I sit on an office chair all day, most of the time I am bored or thinking of the many things I could be doing instead of working - one of them is eating - one of them is sleeping - one of them is shopping - and since the only one which is actually possible without getting into trouble is eating, well, I do it. 

To be honest, food makes me feel sick. After a big meal, I regret eating. I feel bloated. I want to sleep. I want it to come out so I can feel light again because it makes me feel so heavy and lazy. Some people have told me I have an eating disorder, but trust me, I don't. I just eat the wrong food. 

I researched quite a bit about healthy foods and what you can eat and what you shouldn't if you feel the way I do. Mostly I just wanted to get rid of the bloating and lethargy. I tried fruits but they made it worse, the acid isn't good. I tried only greens but I was bored after the 3rd day. So after a few months of in and out discovering, I found foods that suited my body and I've stuck to it for about 3 weeks. The difference is incredible! 

Every day, I eat a no-fat plain yogurt with slices of banana, or I make a smoothie using a banana and some strawberries with the yogurt for breakfast. I eat celery with peanut butter for a snack later on, which is soooooo good by the way, no matter how 'thin' it sounds. Then for my proper lunch I eat a few Ryvita's with hummus and lettuce. I also eat salads without cheese and I can make a chickpea/corn/greenpea mix which is also divine. For dinner I eat chicken or fish with veggies. So pasta, bread, red meat and any kind of dairy is bad for my body, since I've cut those out I feel and look a lot better than I did a month ago. Even my skin is feeling more alive!

It just goes to show that the right food can change how you feel dramatically. I've never believed in 'diets', only healthy eating. And I've never seen myself as a fatty so I'm not trying to lose weight. I just want to feel good. And of course I still eat a burger on the weekend... I mean, really now.